Your trusted partner in safe, sustainable, high performance Ingredients in personal care
Why Cirebelle?
Over the last 13 years, our company has been progressive and dedicated in implementing the continuous transformation, of a successful and sustainable business. This month, Cirebelle is excited to share some highlights & success stories, following successful partnerships with committed collaborators, towards achieving our 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adapted from the United Nations universal call to action; to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
We are directing our focus and commitment to specific areas within sustainability, we also look forward to sharing more of our journey in aligning our business values and activities, with the expectations of corporate social responsibility policies, the needs of humanity and our planet.
Facts about some of our products

CireWax - Our safe synthetic

For a large percentage of consumers, the term ‘’synthetic’’ is still synonymous with a negative perception of being ‘’bad’’ to use. This reputation may be justified in some instances, however, in reality, this is not the case for many favorable synthetic ingredients.
Cirebelle utilizes the EWG’s scale, with a rating of 1, which represents the safest score for non-hazardous elements. Providing data to support the claim of safe synthetic is key.
CireWax can be used in hair, face, body, and cosmetic applications, safe for use in adult or baby care. Not only is it a high-performing ingredient but it also provides structure & texture, with a smooth matte finish.
Learn more about our safe synthetic and click the link below
Good for you, good for the planet
Our Products

Latest News

The natural wax movement
The exceptional demand for natural waxes has caused many brands to re-look at their ingredient lists to appeal to the growing market. Learn more about which natural waxes there are in the market and there uses.

Saying no to excess H20 in this year’s waterless beauty trend with CireWax
As top brands focus on developing water-free products, replacing water in formulations with oils or dry options. CireWax is playing an important role in the waterless beauty formulations market.

CireWax the Safe Synthetic
The number and variety of engineered personal care ingredients are countless. Our aim is to debunk the common misconceptions regarding synthetics and to highlight the benefits of using safe synthetics in formulation, concentrating on our CireWax product range.

The Natural Scrub – Rice Bran Wax
If you are looking for love at first scrub, for all your exfoliating needs that are gentle enough for all skin types we have the answer you have been searching for.

Africa’s golden gift –Kalahari Melon Seed
Say hello to one of Africa’s best-kept secrets – The Kalahari Melon Seed Oil. The benefits include but are not limited to glowy skin and

Circular Beauty Edition
This trend is not only saving the planet but also saving your skin too. The new trend taking the beauty and personal care market by storm and here is what you need to know about it.